Oxford City Council, together with Transition by Design (local community engagement specialists), are excited to share about upcoming community engagement events for the new Blackbird Leys Community Centre as the design process for the project begins.
We want to ensure that current residents of the Leys play a key role in shaping the design of their local community centre. The design is to meet Inclusive Design standards and is to be accessed and used by as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, and disability. Therefore, we would love to hear from everybody across the Leys and beyond throughout this community engagement stage.

Flyer for engagement events across November and December 2023
Come share your thoughts across November & December 2023
- We will be hosting an online workshop on Thursday 23rd November between 19:30-21:00 to share the feedback from the Leys Community Review Panel, initial stakeholder and user group workshops as the project team begin the design process. The meeting will be held on Zoom. You can register for the meeting via this link and either join using a tablet, phone or laptop or you can phone in. The details will be sent to you once you register.
- Building on the above workshop, will be hosting an online meeting for a more detailed public update and an opportunity to ask questions to the project team. This will be on Wednesday 29th November between 19:30-21:00. The meeting will be held on Zoom. You can register for the meeting via this link and either join using a tablet, phone or laptop or you can phone in. The details will be sent to you once you register.
- Transition by Design and Oxford City Council will be in the Leys and at the Community Larder on various Wednesdays between 12-2pm at the Leys Pools and Leisure Centre, Blackbird Leys, beginning Wednesday 29th November.
- Save the date for Thursday 30th November as Transition by Design and Oxford City Council will be in-person at the Health Promotion Day at the Leys Pools and Leisure, Blackbird Leys from 1-5pm. Come and say hello, meet some of the project team and give your input into what should be considered for the new community centre design.
- Leys Festive “Meet Santa” Christmas event on Friday 8th December at the Leys Pools and Leisure, Blackbird Leys from 5-8pm, in-person
- Leys Festive “Meet Santa” Christmas event on Saturday 9th December at the Leys Pools and Leisure, Blackbird Leys from 10am-1pm, in-person
Oxford City Council and Transition by Design will have a range of online engagement as well as further in-person engagement. There will be further in person and online events between January and March 2024 with more information to follow.
We will be sharing consultation forms online for the wider public to complete and there will be in-person copies that will be distributed, with more details to follow. Oxford City Council will have an ongoing presence in the Leys especially for the distribution of consultation forms.
.You can keep up to date through following Oxford City Council social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) or Transition by Design’s updates page. We will also be sharing monthly updates at the end of each month.

Consultation Forms
There is an online consultation form available for anyone to fill in to express their thoughts on the new Blackbird Leys Community Centre. We want to ensure that anyone is able to complete a consultation form, therefore we will also have paper copies available to collect and return to an Oxford City Council representative in the Leys at Oxford Hub offices in Windale Primary School, Windale Avenue, Oxford OX4 6JD on Tuesday 5th, 12th and Tuesday 19th December between 10am-12pm. If you would prefer to give feedback over the phone this can be arranged if you email bblcommunityengagement@transitionbydesign.org.
Engagement context
To date, Transition by Design have recruited a Leys Community Review Panel, who are a diverse group of 11 residents of the Leys, who will meet with the design team at three key stages prior to the planning submission. They have also engaged with key stakeholders in the Leys as well as user groups, by invitation in consultation with Oxford City Council. If you would like to contact Transition by Design or have further questions then please get in touch with Transition by Design at bblcommunityengagement@transitionbydesign.org.You can find out more about the community centre and the wider Blackbird Leys District Centre and Knights Road redevelopment project through our website here.