Architecture that

Hutchcomb Road Oxford: Setting the standard for climate positive retrofits

Transition by Design demonstrates a model for turning houses in the UK into carbon positive homes fit for a sustainable…

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We are Transition by Design, a cross-disciplinary design collective at the junction of architecture, strategic design and social change.

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Not all ideas find their way into reality; some never make it off the page. This is where you can explore our sketches – things we imagined but which never came to be.

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Research & writing

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Transition by Design at Modern Art Oxford

Transition by Design at Modern Art Oxford

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Homemaker Oxford - how could empty and underused spaces in the city help us tackle extreme housing need?

We've spent the past four years looking into innovative and community-led solutions for Oxford's housing crisis. Here's what we've learnt.

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Ozone Leisure Park Reimagined: Community Engagement

We are thrilled to announce a series of community engagement events to shape an exciting new vision for Ozone Leisure…

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An opportunity to join Transition by Design as a Part 1 architectural assistant

Opportunity for a Part 1 Architectural Assistant in a unique Architecture Co-operative based in Oxford Basic details Position: Architectural Assistant (RIBA…

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